On April 6, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> - You have more control over the update type, i.e. you may
>   add all or none of the new addresses with just one key
>   press ...

The various functions to display all records need to distinguish
between the Sender address(es) and the Recipient address(es) for the
purposes of not adding an entire CC list to your database, which can
be particularly painful if you get spammed. This has hit me once, and
at least one other user has mentioned it - I think it's a function of
how you have your BBDB set up for record autocreate.

Ideally, I think, the various mailer hooks - Gnus, VM, RMAIL, MH-E -
should have a minimal chunk of code to get a buffer into a standard
layout for BBDB, and then they should all call a common chunk of code
to parse that buffer for updates, etc. This would save time on adding
features and also make bugfixing easier as you don't have 4 copies of
the same basic code floating around. Robert has done some work in this
area already, but I think more of the code can be centralised.

I must apologise again for my recent low profile; I'll try and get
some good code updates in this weekend with, perhaps, a view towards a
new release at the end of the month.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me.

I really need to reinstate the witty comments, dammit.

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