On June 6, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
>     Adam> What errors did you get in the Perl5 directory?
> Script started on Wed Jun  6 07:59:21 2001

Aha. You didn't read what I said. Get a /recent/ version of the
source, i.e. the version that's somewhere on plucker.gnu-designs.com,
and build that. Or do perl Makefile.PL POLLUTE=1 (I think) to
compile. This has been a known problem with the (unfortunately) more
widely available versions of pilot-link.

> [lconrad@serpent SyncBBDB-2.3]$ locate PDA/Pilot.pm
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/PDA/Pilot.pm
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/PDA/Pilot.pm
> /mnt/sda2/lconrad/src/pilot-link.0.9.3/Perl5/blib/lib/PDA/Pilot.pm

Okay, now if you do perl -V, are any of the above directories listed
in @INC? No, they are not. This is pretty well covered in Perl
documentation, which is the right place for it, since it's a Perl
"problem" - your module is not installed in the correct directory, or
more to the point your version of Perl is newer than that expected by
the pilot-link installation you have. Perhaps you should complain to
the source of the pilot-link package you installed rather than ragging
on Thomas for not documenting a problem outside his realm.

> Or else just that the bootstrap script has never been tested.  Has

You may also note that Thomas says on his website that it's more a
proof of concept than anything else; however, from previous comments
of his on the list, I get the impression that it does, in fact,
work. Casting aspersions of this sort on his code when the problem is
evidently in your setup doesn't help other peoples' confidence in his
work, so please don't do that.

I don't mean to be harsh about this, but this sort of stuff is, by its
nature, non-trivial, and a certain amount of knowledge is assumed if
you're already knee deep in the stuff. If you're messing with Perl
modules, it's expected that you know about the Perl include path
(@INC) and about the options for building Perl modules (such as
POLLUTE); it's also expected that you use a recent, up-to-date version
of a given package in order to avoid bugs that have been reported

[EMAIL PROTECTED] / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me.

"Confusion is not bad, it just has a somewhat undeserved negative reputation."
                                                    - James Coleman

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