: I am running fsf emacs-21 + mew 2.1 + bbdb 2.32 with most
: functionality with: 
:    ftp://ftp.kippona.net/pub/gnu/emacs/elisp/bbdb-com.patch
:                                              bbdb-mew.el
: I don't have "mew-cite-*" hooked to bbdb, and maybe you'll find
: other problems.  If you give me feedback, I'll try to pound it
: into shape and make it suitable for general use.

These patches seems to be good enough to eat off of :-)

However, I am noticing that bbdb/emacs has gotten a lot slower since
2.00 which I ran on a 500MHz PIII under Emacs 19.34.  It takes 4x
longer to parse the same .bbdb file.  Of course this file is 20k lines
long, so maybe that's the difference.  I also notice that mew is a lot
slower with bbdb turned on than with it turned off.

Are there any good profilers available that will tell me where I'm
being stupid, or where bbdb is being stupid?

As far as cite goes, I'm almost happy with the default, so don't fret
on my account.


BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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