On May 28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> So I would like to find a way that BBDB loads the file in the old
> coding system (whatever it was, probably Latin-1 because I have
> (set-language-environment "Latin-1") in the init files), and then
> saves it in a better encoding (utf-8? emacs-mule?).

Prior to the patch, BBDB didn't have any coding-system handling beyond
whatever Emacs uses natively. I applied the patch because 
(a) it didn't break my test setup
(b) as described by the contributor, it solved a problem

Not to cast aspersions on the original patch, but perhaps I was a
little hasty in applying it. Then again, that's what the CVS tree is
for; if the patch /is/ causing problems, then maybe I should remove it
again. I'm a bit vague on the whole area of coding-systems in Emacs,
so if anyone would like to suggest a proper way of handling this,
please do so.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me.
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 at you blankly and say `Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*'"
                                                   - Linus Torvalds


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