>>>>> Kai Gro,b_(Bjohann writes:

Kai> When reading, have BBDB apply the normal Emacs machinery for
Kai> decoding the file contents.  Take note of any "coding:" tag in
Kai> the file.  If it is there, just preserve it on write.  But if
Kai> there is no "coding:" tag, invoke the migration machinery as
Kai> follows:

If I understand this correctly you want to start migrating as soon as
there is no "coding:" tag in the file. I don't think that is a good
idea, because there are other ways of telling emacs the coding system
you want for files. E.g., I have used the following for a long time,
on several large sites with many users, and it has worked very well:

;;; Avoid BBDB getting confused by 8 bit characters:
(if (>= emacs-major-version 20)
    (add-to-list 'file-coding-system-alist
                 '("/\\.bbdb\\'" iso-8859-1 . iso-8859-1)))

I'm not sure I would like it if all my users would be auto-migrated to
emacs-mule... ;-)

Kind regards,

        -- Urban


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