Carson Chittom <> writes:

> Thorsten <> writes:
>> Thanks for yours and for Johnny's replies - but why should I want you in
>> my bbdb? I only want to read your posts here on the mailing list, there
>> is not reason whatsoever to save personnal contact data. 
> There's no reason to save it, but there's no reason not to save it
> either (other than disk space, I guess, though a text file database
> would have to work hard to fill a modern drive).  Think of it as the
> Google approach:  aggregate everything, then when you need something,
> search for it.  That's the way I use BBDB, anyway.

I think the new bbdb looks very promising, and I would like to use it. I
respect that you and maybe others want to take the Google approach and
aggregate everything. 

But I'm already quite annoyed about this default behaviour after a few
hours of use, and would like to change it as fast as possible.
Any other tips, how to disable bbdb constant asking 'do you want to add
xyz to the database' while scrolling around in gnus?

Help would be highly appreciated

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