On Sat Aug 11 2012 Sriram Karra wrote:
> Further, "throwing them away" could just be stashing the fields
> into the notes list.

Certainly. But if you then decide to give v3 a second try, you will
not get back what you had before.

> Just for the record, can you tell us about all the changes in the
> file format? I know:
> - a new field called "affix" now appears as the third field of the record
> - organizations is a list instead of a ';' delimited string.

The above is correct.

Also, there is one Notes field in each record which usually holds
the list of note fields, which in turn are cons pairs (KEY . VALUE).
Some pieces of BBDB v2 also allowed the Notes field to be a single
string, instead of the list of cons pairs. I do not know whether
this was just a historical thing left over in the code, or whether
this was still a fully supported feature. V3 definitely relies on
having a list of cons pairs (KEY . VALUE) in the Notes field and
bbdb-migrate converts a single Notes string accordingly. Obviously,
going back to a Notes field with a single string would break pretty
much everything.

For the other things, someone could write a function bbdb-unmigrate
to go back to v2 and post it here.

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