"Roland Winkler" <wink...@gnu.org> writes:

>> When I try to complete and address and several match, after "tab" I get
>> a window with all the possible matches. If I hit "tab" again I get the
>> following message
>> #<window ...> is not a live window
>> where ... is a number, and the window is closed. The only time I can
>> complete an address is when there is a single match.
> What is tab bound to for you?

tab is bound to message-tab. M-tab is bound to bbdb-complete-mail. I
tried using both tab and M-tab and get the same results.

> By default bbdb-complete-mail gets bound to M-tab. Can you send a
> backtrace of when things go wrong (plus a description of what you did
> to get it)?

Things don't really go wrong anymore (I don't have an error when
upgrading to the head of the git repository). Unfortunately it does not
work as I would like it to.

Here is an example: I have two different people in bbdb whose first name
is Martin. In the To field of a mail (this one, for instance), I type
"mart" then M-tab. I see a *Completions* buffer open, telling me the two
possible completions. If I type M-tab again, nothing happens. I see a
quick message in the mini-buffer telling me it's doing the completion
list, so I suspect it's recreating the buffer instead of cycling through
the different completions as I would like it to.

I'm a bit of an emacs novice, so I'd need more information about how to
provide a backtrace.

>> I have "(setq bbdb-complete-mail-allow-cycling t)" in my configuration.
> That should not be relevant here.

I thought it would. The documentation says "If non-nil cycle mail
addresses when calling `bbdb-complete-mail'." which is exactly what I
want: cycle through the possible completions when completing mails. Am I
reading the documentation wrong?



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