On 15-Sep-2008, at 23:14, NZIBIS wrote:
> I'd like to see an option that allows the competion to only work on  
> text within the tags.

I would be happy if I could disabled dictionary completion, full stop.

> But long HTML documents can get an awful lot of English (etc.)  
> words, which then "crowd out" the tags or attributes and their  
> values which, to my mind, overwelms it.

On a very long document (I was in one that was 10K lines long) the  
completion can seriously bog down the process of editing as well.

> I'm also finding that it is offering "words" containing character  
> entities, e.g. "that’s", which I'm in two minds about.

That is one thing that I do like, since otherwise fixing those things  
is a matter of an extra grep

> I can see that this will be a better fit when you don't also have a  
> lot of English (or whatever), as in the case of programming in,  
> Java, C or whatever, where the words already in the file or project  
> are mostly identifiers, etc., which is no doubt the original  
> thinking. (Here, I think you'd want to ignore words in comments and  
> perhaps the text arguments of "print" statements.)

I find the completion very useful in php files, if there is not an  
over abundance of html/english also.

Increasing the delay has really helped though:

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit Editor:AutoCompleteDelay -float 1.5


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      deregulated housing market, global warming...NO MORE!"

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