Thanks to Stoney Ballard's hint I too downloaded the new Clippings set
from and am now getting the correct results. This is
going to be very handy.

The barebones site says, "These are the factory default clippings
supplied with BBEdit 9. BBEdit will automatically update your
installed clippings when possible, but certain changes to your
existing clippings will cause BBEdit to skip them. So, to get the
latest and greatest, download these and install (or merge) them into
your existing Clippings folder."

Q1 - what conditions will cause the update to fail to install the new
Clippings folder?

Q2 - is it safe to throw out similar named folders from the old
Clippings folder? For example, can I now throw out HTML Glossary.html
(assuming I've copied over anything I added to it) now that I have
HTML.html? Similarly with WML Glossary.html? And how about when the
folders are duplicated in name, such as PHP.php - should I just drag
and drop and say yes when asked if I want to overwrite?


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