>Are you saying that produces nothing?

My document is indeed an HTML document. It's actually an xHTML
template I've used for years.

....and yes.. I'm saying that produces nothing.

On Jul 22, 10:42 am, John Delacour <johndelac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> At 10:07 -0700 22/07/2011, NotInUse wrote:
> >I can absolutely state, without fail that no image insertion, whether
> >via the HTML palette button, or dragging from the desktop to a
> >document or from anywhere is inserting the full HTML markup for an
> >image tag. I get <img src="file path" alt="<* some text *>"  /> if I
> >use the HTML palette button and that's it. I get NOTHING if I drag and
> >drop.. and by nothing I mean NOTHING.
> I can only presume the 'document' you are referring to is not an html
> document because both things work fine here.
> Type control-command-n, type return, drag an image from the Finder to
> the insersion point.  Are you saying that produces nothing?
> JD

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