
If I may ask one more question. I promise, my last.

As I said, everything works great. I can get to the scratchpad no
matter what I'm doing, and quickly. I was curious though. Something
like Simplenote has a preference for a shortcut key. If I'm in Safari
and press f11 Simplenote appears. I can then press f11 and its gone,
with the focus returned to Safari (I don't have to re-click safari or
switch back to it). Is something like that possible with applescript
and keyboard maestro or is that beyond their capabilities?


On Aug 27, 10:52 pm, gary <> wrote:
> Chris,
> Thanks for all the info and help. The global Scratchpad is what I
> want. In fact, this works much better for me now that I realize each
> project has it's own Scratchpad. I'd rather keep them separate. If I
> have something on a global Scratchpad I want to use in a Project I'll
> just copy it over.
> The only thing I'm really curious about is why the document called up
> by the apple script doesn't have a .txt extension. But as long is
> doesn't cause problems I'll just ask no questions :)
> Again, thanks for your help and patience. I really do appreciate it.
> cheers,
> gary
> On Aug 27, 8:21 pm, Christopher Stone <>
> wrote:
> > Hey Gary,
> > Thanks for taking the time to suss this out.
> > On Aug 27, 2011, at 18:15, gary wrote:
> > > The Scratchpad file that is called up when I use Keyboard Maestro lives 
> > > here:
> > > /library/application support/bbedit
> > Right.  There lives the global Scratchpad file.
> > > There is one strange thing about it. It doesn't show an extension, but 
> > > info says it's a text file. I can see what I've written on it with quick 
> > > view. However, if I click on it to open it the apple script editor opens 
> > > it. I get an error that says "a identifier can't go after this 
> > > identifier".
> > Don't worry about that.  It IS odd that it would be associated with the 
> > Applescript Editor on your machine rather than TextEdit but not terribly.
> > You can change it in the Finder if you want to.
> > The error is caused by the Applescript Editor trying to compile it into 
> > Applescript.
> > > I have two projects, and when I click "show package contents" they both 
> > > have a Scratchpad file inside. Each maintains it's own info. And unlike 
> > > the global scratchpad in application support, they do show a .txt 
> > > extension, and when clicked, are opened by bbedit.
> > Okay.  I had noticed the 'Scratchpad' and 'Unix Worksheet' items associated 
> > with the project, but I never access them in the file pane and didn't 
> > realize they were part of the project rather than the global files.
> > Learn something new and all that...
> > > And secondly, should I be concerned that the global Scratchpad in bbedit 
> > > application support shows no extension, and is set to be opened with the 
> > > apple script editor?
> > No.
> > > I thought this might simply be because the file was created with an apple 
> > > script
> > The file is not created with Applescript.  The script simply calls the 
> > global Scratchpad window.
> > > and I also thought I could just go to info and change what the file is 
> > > associated with from the apple script editor to bbedit, but I thought I 
> > > might screw something up.
> > This should not cause any problems.
> > --
> > From the BBEdit 10 Release Notes:
> > ◦ There's a new command on the Window menu: "Show Unix Worksheet". This 
> > will open a worksheet document that is application-wide, and backed by a 
> > worksheet file saved in your Application Support/BBEdit folder. Like the 
> > Scratchpad, changes here are saved automatically.
> > 
There's also a "Unix worksheet window" application property available to 
> > the scripting interface.
> > (* Repeated for the Scratchpad)
> > --
> > ◦ Project windows grow a couple of new lists:
> > ◦ Recently Used: Shows documents recently opened into this project's window.
> > ◦ Scratchpad & Worksheet: Every project document carries its own scratch 
> > pad and worksheet document. This is shared for all users of the project, so 
> > if you wish you can use the scratchpad to make notes for other users; or 
> > store handy commands in the worksheet.
> > ◦ These can be collapsed or hidden, if desired.
> > --
> > NOW - Back to your original issue:
> > Are you wanting to open the GLOBAL Scratchpad or the one LOCAL to your 
> > project file?
> > --
> > Best Regards,
> > Chris

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