Thanks Chris, the second script works as advertised. It is a tad bit
slower than the first one. I haven't gotten around to running it as a
compiled script but I will soon. Thanks again. Been using it every

Philippe, I'm guessing what you're saying is that script simply uses
what keyboard maestro gives you. I haven't yet figured out how that
needs to be used (I'm still learning how to use keyboard maestro), but
when I do I'll give it a try :)


On Aug 29, 2:08 pm, Philippe Martin <> wrote:
> Why using Keyboard Maestro if you do it all in AppleScript? :)
> It's very easy to do in "pure KM":
> - If condition met execute action
>         all of the following are true
>                 the front window
>                         title is
>                                 "Scratchpad"
>         execute the following actions:
>                 - type the cmd-w keystroke
>                 - use variable "FrontApp"
>                         to set the front application by name
> otherwise execute the following actions
>         - set variable "FrontApp"
>                 to %CurrentApplication%
>         - activate
>         - pause until condition met
>                 all of the following are true
>                         a menu
>                                 with this name
>                                         Show Scratchpad
>                                 is enabled
>         - select a menu item
>                 in
>                         Menu title "Window"
>                         Menu item "Show Scratchpad"
> Assign it a hot key and you're done.
> All the best,
> Philippe
> On 29 août 2011, at 07:19, Christopher Stone wrote:
> > On Aug 28, 2011, at 18:33, Christopher Stone wrote:
> >> I'm sort of ticked with the irregularities, so I'll probably rewrite the 
> >> script tomorrow.
> > ______________________________________________________________________
> > Hey Gary,
> > Okay.  This script bypasses all but BBEdit and Keyboard Maestro.  It runs a 
> > trifle faster if you run it as a compiled script rather than as text.
> > --
> > Best Regards,
> > Chris
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> > --
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> > --
> > on openScratchpad()
> >   tell application "BBEdit"
> >     open scratchpad window
> >     activate
> >     set index of window "Scratchpad" to 1 # Workaround for hidden apps 
> > issue.
> >   end tell
> > end openScratchpad
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> > --
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> > --
> > on kmRestoreApp()
> >   tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
> >     do script "<dict>
> >             <key>Action</key>
> >             <string>SetApplicationByNameMatches</string>
> >             <key>IsActive</key>
> >             <true/>
> >             <key>IsDisclosed</key>
> >             <true/>
> >             <key>MacroActionType</key>
> >             <string>UseVariable</string>
> >             <key>Variable</key>
> >             <string>restoreAppKM</string>
> >           </dict>"
> >     set value of variable "restoreAppKM" to "FALSE"
> >   end tell
> > end kmRestoreApp
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> > --
> > try
> >   tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
> >     set currentApp to process tokens "%CurrentApplication%"
> >     try
> >       set restoreApp to value of variable "restoreAppKM"
> >     on error
> >       make new variable with properties {name:"restoreAppKM", value:"FALSE"}
> >     end try
> >     if currentApp ≠ "BBEdit" then
> >       set value of variable "restoreAppKM" to currentApp
> >       openScratchpad() of me
> >     else if currentApp = "BBEdit" then
> >       if value of variable "restoreAppKM" = "FALSE" then
> >         openScratchpad() of me
> >       else
> >         kmRestoreApp() of me
> >       end if
> >     end if
> >   end tell
> > on error errMsg number errNum
> >   set sep to "=============================="
> >   set e to sep & return & "Error: " & errMsg & return & sep & return ¬
> >     & "Error Number: " & errNum & return & sep
> >   beep
> >   tell application "System Events" to display dialog e
> > end try
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> > --
> > --
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> ______________________________________________________________________
>  Philippe MARTIN                

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