Hey Gary,

On Aug 28, 2011, at 14:42, Gary wrote:
> If I may ask one more question. I promise, my last.

Don't worry about asking questions; ask away.  :)

> I was curious though. Something like Simplenote has a preference for a 
> shortcut key. If I'm in Safari and press f11 Simplenote appears. I can then 
> press f11 and its gone, with the focus returned to Safari... Is something 
> like that possible with applescript and keyboard maestro or is that beyond 
> their capabilities?

It's simpler to assign a 'last application' shortcut in Keyboard Maestro and 
then use your global Scratchpad shortcut in combination with that.


property savedFrontAppName : ""

  tell application "Finder"
    set frontAppName to item 1 of (get name of processes whose frontmost is 
    if frontAppName ≠ "BBEdit" then
      set savedFrontAppName to frontAppName
      tell application "BBEdit"
        open scratchpad window
      end tell
      if savedFrontAppName ≠ "" then
        set procNameList to name of processes
        if savedFrontAppName is in procNameList then
          set frontmost of processes whose name is savedFrontAppName to true
          set savedFrontAppName to ""
        end if
        if frontAppName = "BBEdit" then
          tell application "BBEdit" to open scratchpad window
        end if
      end if
    end if
  end tell
on error errMsg number errNum
  set sep to "=============================="
  set e to sep & return & "Error: " & errMsg & return & sep & return ¬
    & "Error Number: " & errNum & return & sep
  tell application "System Events" to display dialog e
end try

This is a bit quick and dirty, but it works.

If you hit the Keyboard Maestro hotkey from an application other than BBEdit it 
will activate BBEdit and open the Scratchpad window.

If you have previously done the above it will return you to the application you 
started with.  However if you switch out of BBEdit with some other means than 
the hotkey it will bring you back to BBEdit's Scratchpad.

If you START in BBEdit it will simply open the Scratchpad window.

I decided to use the Finder rather than System Events, because SEV isn't always 
running - so there can be a lag while it starts up.  On the other hand if the 
Finder is really busy there might be a lag.

Give it a try and see what you think.

I just looked and Keyboard Maestro v5 has a %CurrentApplication% property, so 
it should be possible to bypass both the Finder and SEV to iron out any speed 
irregularities.  But I'm done for now.  ;-)

I'm sort of ticked with the irregularities, so I'll probably rewrite the script 

Best Regards,

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