On Sep 22, 2011, at 00:36, Charlie Garrison wrote:
> On 21/09/11 at 11:46 PM -0500, Christopher Stone 
> <listmeis...@thestoneforge.com> wrote:
>> This script will zoom the front window to full screen:
> Why use the script? Just cmd-click the zoom button as Rich suggested.

Why would I want to remove my hands from the keyboard and waste my time 
clicking with mouse or trackpad on a small target when I don't have to?

> Maybe I'm missing something; the OP said he wanted the window to be full 
> screen width so he could read code with really long lines. Rich's suggestion 
> seems to solve that problem quite elegantly.

This works in full screen mode?

> And a big benefit of cmd-clicking the zoom button rather than using your 
> script is another click on the zoom button will return the window to its 
> original size.

Since my windows are normally a specific size then a secondary keystroke will 
return them to original size in a flash.

For that matter it would be relatively simple to have the script remember the 
window size and toggle.

Best Regards,

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