HI - I'm trying to get started using SVN and BBEdit on my MacBook Pro, 
having recently switched from Windows. Here's what I have:

OS X Mountain Lion
SVN hosted on Beanstalk
Smart SVN 7.0.5 installed
BBEdit 10.1.2 installed

Using SmartSVN, I can connect to my repository and I've updated my local 
files from the repo. My main problem is that I can't find any reference to 
SVN/Subversion or any other source control option in BBEdit. I've looked in 
the settings, project screen, etc... no sign of it. From what I've 
researched, I think this could be a problem with the path configuration. I 
tried editing the .bash_profile file by adding export 
PATH=/opt/subversion/bin/:$PATH but that doesn't seem to help. When I fire 
up the terminal and type in any type of svn command, I get a command not 
found error. Could that be preventing BBEdit from enabling SVN/Subversion? 
Are there some basic troubleshooting steps I should try?


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