
SmartSVN 7 uses SVNKit 1.7.5 for Java. It is a Subversion client written in 
Java. It is not a git client. The reason the local working copy metadata is 
different is due to the difference between how svn 1.6 and 1.7 operate. svn 
1.6 keeps its metadata in flat files in the invisible .svn directories 
you'll find in every working copy directory that contains versioned files. 
svn 1.7 keeps its metadata in a SQLite database. The only .svn directory in 
a svn 1.7 working copy is to be found in the root. This will be true 
whether it was checked out with SmartSVN or the svn command line client 
(which you can obtain from Apache and build with make). A working copy 
checked out with svn 1.7 will be fully compatible with SmartSVN and 
vice-versa. A working copy checked out with an svn 1.6 command-line client 
or SmartSVN 6.x can be opened with a svn 1.7-compatible client, but it will 
have to be upgraded by the client, which will make it incompatible with svn 

To se if you have an svn command-line client installed, enter "which svn" 
in the terminal. If it's in the command path, the pathname of the svn 
client will be printed. If it says, "/usr/bin/svn," BBEdit should be able 
to use it, but if it's not svn 1.7, it won't work with the newer 
directories. If that's the case, you should be able to select Open Log File 
from BBEdit's Subversion menu and see a message to that effect. If Open Log 
File is not available, it means you either don't have svn or it is not at 
/usr/local/bin. BBEdit doesn't check any other locations, but if you need 
to install it in another location, you can tell BBEdit where it is by 
entering "defaults write com.barebones.bbedit SubversionToolPathOverride 
/path/to/svn/binary" in the terminal.

Now for the fun part.

Suppose you download svn 1.7, build it, and install it in /usr/bin/ and 
BBEdit recognizes it, and you can even select Show Working Copy Status... 
from BBEdit's Subversion menu, and it recognizes the working copy, you 
still won't be able to use most of the Subversion menu commands. Why? Well, 
apparently BBEdit doesn't use the svn command to determine if a file is 
under source control. Instead, it checks for a .svn directory in the file's 
directory. This worked fine with svn 1.6, but svn 1.7 working copies don't 
have them except in the root.

Until BareBones gets around to fixing this, you can write a script to 
recurse the working copy hierarchy and make .svn directories. This is kind 
of a pain in the neck, because now you'll have all these unversioned 
directories all over your working copy. If you check them in, this will 
cause problems for anyone sharing that repo who is using svn 1.6 locally. 
If you tell your client to ignore them, that will change the properties on 
your root, which is also seen as an uncommitted local update, and the next 
time you update from the repo, you'll get a conflict, but you can't commit 
it because somebody might still be using svn 1.6 and, well, actually, I'm 
not sure what this will do to them, but I don't want to find out.

So for now I'm just ignoring them. I never do directory commits anyway.

By the way, I haven't reported this bug, but I think they're aware of it. 
You can report it if you want. I've already used my quota for a while.

Let me know if you need any help installing svn or if you'd like to see a 
copy of my .svn folder script.

On Wednesday, August 8, 2012 6:41:12 PM UTC-4, Nick wrote:
> Thanks everyone, I've learned a LOT already. I'll look into my best option 
> for a command line client. At this point, I'm mostly exploring some 
> different approaches to my workflow for a specific project. I may even 
> evaluate some GUI options to SmartSVN, too.
> On Tuesday, August 7, 2012 4:34:06 PM UTC-6, Nick wrote:
>> HI - I'm trying to get started using SVN and BBEdit on my MacBook Pro, 
>> having recently switched from Windows. Here's what I have:
>> OS X Mountain Lion
>> SVN hosted on Beanstalk
>> Smart SVN 7.0.5 installed
>> BBEdit 10.1.2 installed
>> Using SmartSVN, I can connect to my repository and I've updated my local 
>> files from the repo. My main problem is that I can't find any reference to 
>> SVN/Subversion or any other source control option in BBEdit. I've looked in 
>> the settings, project screen, etc... no sign of it. From what I've 
>> researched, I think this could be a problem with the path configuration. I 
>> tried editing the .bash_profile file by adding export 
>> PATH=/opt/subversion/bin/:$PATH but that doesn't seem to help. When I 
>> fire up the terminal and type in any type of svn command, I get a command 
>> not found error. Could that be preventing BBEdit from enabling 
>> SVN/Subversion? Are there some basic troubleshooting steps I should try?
>> thanks!

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