Moen Creek wrote: Gil, Please expound further on

>The really powerful systems in use currently are paper based. Here in
Oz, Frank Moody found that the circuit of an instrument, would work as
well as the physical instrument, in the hands of a trained practitioner.
He later developed this further and we can increase our arson of
instruments at the photocopier any time we need more.

Frank is now about 97 or so and lives a mobile live, travelling between
contacts and staying from days to months at an address, these days
within Oz and NZ. He has lots of people trying to pump him for
information. He does not want to continue with this, as it cuts into his
healing time, which he regards as more important than talking to each
new generation of people who find him. I live in a relatively remote
part of Oz and a couple of days travel from one end of his normal range.
A contact who is a trained writer and who has written extensively on
closely related subjects. They are I understanding interviewing him,
with a view to eventual publication. I may be involved in preparing it
for publication if it comes to be. He has given the "Radionic Centre of
Australia" the right to collect and publish all his earlier work. His
paper based instruments were not put in the public domain, only in "in
house" newsletters of societies etc or as personal gifts. As with any
Radionic Instrument, one still needs the knowledge to do an analysis and
what ever specialist knowledge is required, such as if one is
broadcasting Bach Flower Essences, one needs to be familiar with those
teachings to check your dowsing. I will not be posting Frank's
Instruments on the 'net. Frank is not on the internet, does not have his
own phone and asks to not have his where abouts made public as he wants
to just spend his old age doing healings on those who cross his path.

I am not familiar with the SE.05.

My experience with miasms and the subtle anatomy is limited to Base 44
and MGA. I have other instruments that can be used, but I have not done

Copen had a system of treating seven levels of subtle body, using
several Base 10 instruments. I have "Mark 2" with impressive addition
knobs and switches, but never used that aspect of it. Keys College and
The Radionic Association (both UK, as was Copen) only treat the
Physical, Astral, Etheric and Mental  bodies.

With the Meridian Card System, the only public document I know of is the
section in "Radionic Therapy from one Millennium to the Next" by
Lavender Dower and Jayne Southern. Published and available from Keys
College of Radionics, P.O Box 194, London SE16 1QZ.

I do not know what the intention is on availability of the system. I
will email them and find out.

As far as I know, the only public showing of the system was at a
Radionic Forum in Bristol UK, a year or so ago.


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