Thanks Allan -- please read on......

Allan Balliett wrote:

> >Given all of that -- we have a FB set up on the farm -- as mentioned, we
> >have grasses (mixed) and this past year, we had the 50 acres treated
> >with ag lime 1/2 ton to the acre -- and the remainder of application was
> >treated with homeopathic lime potentized in the broadcaster.  Wow --
> >right?
> two questions that are related to your question: how did you
> determine how much physical lime to apply AND have you done any
> testing of the potentized lime.

The work to set up the broadcaster was done through Lorraine -- and best I
remember, we got the information in a coning working with the Devic community
here on the farm -- then, with the 1/2 ton per acre determined -- Lorraine,
with her connection to the prescribed coning (Devic community, et al) she
determined the homeopathic potency for the broadcaster.  No testing of the
outcome has been done.

> OK, more questions: Exactly when did you apply the lime AND what else
> is in that broadcaster.

Liming was done last Oct 2001, I believe.  And the broadcaster was
reprogrammed about that same time.

> And, I can tell you from personal experience: you don't want to turn
> your fields over to be farmed by someone who is not a farmer. If the
> questions you asked are from  the man who wants to use your field,
> I'd back way off from him, especially in a drought year. Just my
> thoughts.
> _Allan

Allan, friend is a good farmer -- but scientific.  And, we are not working
scientific.  So, the questions are honest in that he is wishing to
accommodate our needs and desires -- as long as it works and as long as he
can make some $$.

You know how it is when you work scientific -- you have your fields
herbicided, then, you no till in what you wish and throw the nitrogen to it.
So, he is wondering how much work he will need to put into the fields doing
things our way -- and what can he expect in the crops.  For instance, the
corn -- it will have weeds -- or grasses -- no herbicides.  With little to no
inputs over the years -- and the FB running for little over a year -- might
we expect good crops.

Perhaps some of this is best answered by H. Lovel -- as he sorta knows the
drill.  (pun intended)

Thanks again.....


Sharon and Wayne McEachern


"A Divine Program for Healing and Transformation"


Expressing the Light

"A Ministry Dedicated to the Divine Process"


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