Leigh- A lot of my concerns fall back to my belief in the inspired
 > validity of 3-Fold Economics. I believe that farming has no place in

 > the economic realm and has suffered tremendously because of efforts
 of both governments and farmers to put it in the economic realm.
 Intuitively, for me, farming is NOT a business and should have a
 different relationship with the community.
I really can't answer this of a philosophical basis, but only on a practical one.

I grow vegetables, the most wholesome ones I can, using the most environmentally sustainable methods i can, on the land that we live on. Unlike most CSA's in the DC area, I am successful at it. I grow these vegetables, not just for my family but for almost 1000 other people. Now, since those 1000 people exchange money with me, money that I need to grow the vegetables and provide the things I don't produce myself for my family, that seems to be an economic relationship.

Now, in a theoretical world, sort of like the positive one presented in 'Woman on the Edge of Time' there would be a community based society with food production at its base. But that's not what's out there. There is very little community.

So, what I have said to Alan and to just about anyone who will listen, 'CSA theory should be on the ground, experience based.' Most that I have read isn't. It seems to me that the majority of the people who write theory haven't actually, successfully practiced what they preach, practiced it as the means of supporting their family and farm for lets say a decade or so. (but, of course I could be wrong -won't be the first time).

Now, with that said, I believe that a CSA needs to provide a sense of community and connection between the farm, the farmer, the laborers (and I have real problems with the intern relationship that most CSA's use) and the eaters. But that's another post, and probably a book, however, I doubt a book I will be able to write because I spend my time being a dirt under my nails, professional,grower of vegetables.

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