Tony -

Nice integration of BD preps with a mulching technique
to achieve vegetation control, worm action, soil biology....
and a clean bed to transplant into.....   also getting the
muck and magic benefits of the BD preps.... all at the
same time.

Steve Diver

Rambler Flowers LTD wrote:

> > If you are trying to establish wildflowers, then you
> > should think twice and then three times about the
> > DeWitt Sunbelt Weed Barrier.  As I said, I can
> > "guarantee" that you will have a successful planting.
> Hi Merla  I have been using this method of weed control for about 5 years.
> It has been especially  effective  on couch and  grasses. I spray 500 and
> barrel compost before placing weed mat and sit back and wait for all the
> worms to gobble up the decaying green matter.
> After  removing the weed mat I cover the ground with sawdust and plant up
> using plugs.
> I have also used black plastic sheeeting It is cheaper but does not last as
> long.
> Cheers Tony

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