> Tony -
> Nice integration of BD preps with a mulching technique
> to achieve vegetation control, worm action, soil biology....
> and a clean bed to transplant into.....   also getting the
> muck and magic benefits of the BD preps.... all at the
> same time.
> Steve Diver

Thanks Steve the worm activity is amazing.
I have been thinking of developing this further as i have a particularly
dirty block that i want to plant into  in about 18 months.
 After a soil test I am going to sheet compost with grasses, sawdust, lime ,
animal manure , Steve Storchs sequential spray programme using Glens
Potentised preps and what ever organic fertilisers i need to balance the
soil according to Albrecht and Reams ie 60-70% Calcium, 12%Magesium 3-5%
Potash, 1-2% sodium  aiming to achieve a CEC level of 25%  and a pH of
between 6-7,  and then cover with weed mat until worms have done their
magic.I will follow with a quick green crop and repeat  as above missing out
the soil test this will take 12 months  to next autumn. Before it becomes
too wet final raised beds will be set up . Aftera further check of nutrient
levels, the beds will be mulched with  compost and covered with weed mat,
every 6-8 weeks weed mat will be removed for 10 days to encourage weed seed
germination weed mat is then replaced until spring planting
I will also be monitering brix  pH and erg levels  and making any
adjustments as i see fit.
The aim is have well balanced soil that is pest, disease and weed free for a
crop of gentians that will be planted for 5-6 years.
Thanks Steve for your inspirational reply it triggered off the above idea
siutable for intensive cropping . The area covered will be 50 by 7 metres
and will be planted with 2000 plants. I will also do a similar area next
door with out the weed mat to compare results .

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