----- Original Message -----
From: James Hedley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 8:45 PM

> Dear Lloyd,
> I was not talking about Albury in general, only the area between Hume Weir
> and the airport which is probably about 10 minutes drive. Nice looking
> country, but to my eyes something  is not right there.
You might be right too - I was road raged by a dude in a landcruiser out
that road one day - I was going 10km under the speed limit and slowed down
another ten when he sat two feet off my back bumper with headlights on and
horn blaring - he overtook on a double lined intersection then promptly
pulled into his house - there were oncoming cars and this lunatic had his
whole family on board. Also had a friend lived in east Albury and there were
some very feral people living on that side of town - drugs and all the other
unsavoury stuff that goes with it. Maybe the noxious energies are affecting
the residents

>Anyhow when we go to
> the AGM hopefully will have more time to explore the area.
> Since the AGM Mudgee has flooded out, where large areas of the grape crop
> are under water. It is the last thing that anyone wants right in the
> of the picking season.
> As to the cloud buster it seems funny that it would have to built by a
> group.
No - one of a group - there are about ten of these guys into all sorts of
stuff - cars that run on water, free energy etc. Part of a larger
organisation with a web site 'austral group.net
> I don't know why but my reaction to the cloud
> buster is to stay right away from them.
Mine too. I have the plans for the croft version and looked long and hard at
it last year, there may be a place for these devices but it is surely not in
the hands of novices, nor the hands of anyone that does not make a living
from agriculture, a town guy does not have enough to loose if he does damage
with one of these!
it might be alright in America where
> I spend a lot of time studying the sky, and like you have never seen any
> signs of chemtrails over our area, only high flying jets.
>. mine is about
> riding a beautiful Arab mare which we broke in about 5 years ago, worked
> a few weeks and then turned her out. My fear is what is she going to do.
What did she do last time? If she never bucked under saddle then she'll be
ok, if you take it easy with her. If she has ever unloaded anybody you have
a problem.
Trouble is she will know before you put a hand on her how you feel about the
Take care
Lloyd Charles

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