Dear Allan,
The quote that "a prophet has no honour in their own country" is still
It seems that there is some scepticism with the concept that it may be
possible to manipulate atmospheric congestion to influence precipitation.
Hugh gave us all some very pertinent insights into the problems which can
occur in areas where congestion in the atmosphere can cause rainfall
There was not a cook book type of presentation given by any of the speakers
with Hugh, Brian and Peter sharing their own particular skills with the
When Barbara and I arrived home, it was to the usual promising clouds but no
action. Dowsed up what needed to be broadcast (rose pink No. 54 and sea
water) to ionise the atmosphere.Within 2 hours a mist developed, followed by
gentle rain, which has turned into heavy rain, 2"overnight and still going
strong. Water tanks are filling and the dams are starting to replenish. Rain
is coming in from the east which is unusual for our area, what is amazing is
that it is also coming in from the NW.- The two cells seem to have combined
and formed into one super cell. The rain which has come from the NW has
swept right across Australia from one side to the other giving a respite
from drought conditions.
It may seem difficult to claim that the ideas promoted in Hugh's Workshops
have anything to do with the rain, however the effect of 300 people going
home from the workshops and cleaning up the atmospheric congestion on their
own properties, must have a major effect in starting the ethers flowing
again. Wherever Hugh and entourage have gone it has rained, the Toowoomba
workshop developed into a 20 " in 6 hour deluge up the coast. It flooded
most of the coast of Queensland, then the entourage shifted to Coffs
Harbour, where someone must have told Hugh to turn the energy down as it has
only been heavy rain since then. Next they shifted on to Albury, the home of
Hume Weir which when full contains 5 times the volume of water of Sydney
Harbour. Hume Weir is down to 5 %, an indication of the conditions right
across the eastern half of Australia. True to form it has started to rain
there, so I reckon that 3 out of 3 is pretty good. If  the American farmers
dont support Hugh I think that it may be easy to get him to return to
Australia and stay here.
I will keep you informed
James---- Original Message -----
From: "Allan Balliett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 11:49 PM

> Can anyone fill us in on this past weekend's events?
> Thanks
> -Allan

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