Hi Hugh, Steve and BDNowers,
                                                 After visiting your seminar
Hugh, I had the good fortune to spend some time with Greg. As part of that
experience we did some stiring in a small barrel. The only vessel that I
could imagine being better than a barrel would be an egg shape. Greg pointed
out to me that when one gets stiring a flame shaped vortex descends down the
pole into the water. No doubt it goes the other way too. When I stir here
when things are getting a bit dry I use a long bamboo pole tied to a branch
in a tree. It seems that the 'as above so below' process works in forming a
vortex in the atmosphere as well as in the barrel. The result is always some
rain. The more people involved the sooner it comes. On the occasions that
three of us sprayed and stired we were well drenched within the hour of
finnishing stiring.
                                                 Sure I use potentised
preps, and a tree for broadcast as well, but an hour on the stiring pole
every now and then gives the body a good workout although I never stir more
than 180 liters at once.
                                                   I had an iteresting
experience this year with bottling peaches. With the stiring of horn manure
that was made with clay bungs and a bit of chomomile prep for luck then the
rain the peaches just about exploded on the tree. To shut them down and
ripen them I put one of Glen's root development compounds on followed by his
patent mix for ripening. I brix tested the peach juice after cooking without
adding any sugar. The first lot picked straight after spraying, came out at
7, the next lot a couple of days later were 16 and a couple of days after
that, 15. Each lot was picked at a similar stage of visual ripeness. The
root development spray was used to take the sap preasure away from the
fruit. This in turn seemed to reduce the tendency to rot.

> Dear Steve,>
> Okay, next time I stir 500 and 501 I'll make the stirred cards. I'm sure
> Wendy didn't stir before making the cards.
> Just incidentally, the most beautiful vortices I've ever seen in stirring
> were in barrels stirred by Greg Willis. His method was a meticulously
> prepared pole supported by a tripod and stirred in wine casks. Really
> beautiful vortices. I don't know how one could duplicate them with machine
> stirring. I wish you could have seen it, and if you ever get a chance to
> see someone stir by Greg's method, do so.
> Best,
> Hugh
> >I do recommend your pipe.  Phil Wheeler installed one at a consultation I
> >the day after I left.  I endorsed it and will work within the parameters
> >these farmers wishes.  They need to cover 2500 acres and they want good
> >results.  They have been 25 years no till and want to see more
> >I have been asking you for some years to make a hand stirred
> >reagent/malcom-rae card/fb reagent.  Has that been done???  I even gave
> >some of my bc with 500-508, any report or use of it?  I highly respect
> >you are doing and will take up radionics and field broadcasting in the
> >future when I feel I have my current ducks in a row.  I ask you to make
> >stirred water reagent because you have the experience to see the
> >I would need to start from scratch, we don't have the luxury of that kind
> >time.
> >And as for stirring time I think the hour number was tossed out there by
> >Rudy.  With the stirring machine you can observe the patterns in the
> >more readily than with hand stirring.  I have prepared 500 and 501 in
> >10-15 minutes.  I have done this on properties that have never had an
> >application with a one hour stir and have achieved obvious results.  I
> >done this with water that has never been heated, cold out of the ground
> >you get results.  There have been many impedences placed by
> >anthropop farmers to prevent folks from stirring the easy way.
> >The making of the bd preps is an elevation of matter.  The harvest of the
> >sheathe material, the plant material, the marriage of the two, the human
> >interaction, imagine a bd raised cow with proper feed and care and love
> >bd plants, then making them into these preparations, wow.  Spirit and
> >that is what the man was talking about.
> >Someone out there using radionics and field broadcasters please try
making a
> >stirred water preparation for these instruments, it would be ashame to
> >for me to do it.
> >Keep up the great work...  SStorch
> Visit our website at: www.unionag.org

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