Title: Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics
Graeme you wrote:

>I hope you haven't taken anything I have said to be offensive to catholicism or your catholic beliefs.

Rather then belief (though everything is just a belief) for me it is more the access and ease at doing ritual as an _expression_ of culture, my beliefs are much broader then Christianity tends to encompass. The _expression_ of the three Goddesses Mary, Sofia and Mary Magdalene are however very pivotal in my relationship to "other Worlds". Esp. Mary whom I converse with regularly.

Christ and Saints are also journeying companions at times.

>only at the commercialisation.

I understand this as Luther first stand and purchase and behavior of power is still with us and outrageous.

But the sale of Rae Cards, and artifacts is not the same as indulgences. Funding of ones work is a necessity one way or another.

I see no reason to observe the workings a sugar tab as Arcinicum 30x as any different then a "3rd class"  relic.

>So, do you see any relationships between the holy cards, relics and Radionics, whether with preps or Rae cards?  What are the differences between all these?  Would it be possible to have Rae cards made for relics, or even holy water? I assume there are.

I have some MR cards but use them seldom. This maybe just a difference between hoes or hammer handles.
(The "it's all energy" point is accepted already, but is not of much use otherwise.)

I think most writers of this string ..
have the next steps sitting in drafts file Like this one has

Woke-up and was moved to the type of expansive thinking that is necessary to pull the thoughts from this dimension to the next.

Then Kristo writes:
Friday 7/25/03

The Gemini MOON Opposes unaspected PLUTO at 5:53 AM CDT -5GMT. There really is No Thing to let go of. What we're clinging to is practically an illusion...yet there is still the letting go that remains to be accomplished. If we can see it...we don't even need to do it...it just gets itself done. I'm sorta talking through my rear-end here...but I'm not gonna let that stop me. Not now, anyway.

LUNA Sextiles Leo MERCURY (in his / her Coniunctio to JUPITER) at 3:52 PM. Yes...there's nothing like a Gemini Mood to get those words to come pouring out. Holding back, or holding it in is really silly...at least under the circumstances of the current zeitgeist. This is a really small opening...but if you try, you can slip it in.

LUNA Sextiles JUPITER at 4:38 PM, and goes Void of Course for 13 hours and 45 minutes, while MERCURY exactly Conjuncts JUPITER at 10:17 PM. Hokey Smoke, Bullwinkle! That's much more than a rabbit coming out of the hat! Don't know our own strength....

Well Scheopenheimers (sp?) cat is often in those hats.

In this case Graeme we are try to get our heads around multi dimensional thinking.

Glen tries to get us to see thru pictures that energies move through different expressions and constitutes as the dimensionally shift.

In this tread we are trying to express 4th & 5th dimensional energies captured in 2nd dimension symbols and structures and brought to our work here in the 3rd dimension.

We except as a cultural norm that a circle has 360 degrees, In the 2nd dimension it has fewer  and in the 4th it has several thousand. how do we bring this to linear table of e-mail or vocal conversation?

Shamanicly it is described and interacted with in the mythic of three complex but separate worlds. In physics we use mathematical equations and coils and lenses ...
In BD we use preps, songs, stirring, timings, weeds, pests and stories.  But I see BDNow in moving into a way of life with in spiral science that incorporates multi multi perceptual thinking.

I personally use every aspect of dimensional shifting that speaks to me in an " a priori" manner.

So if I am faced with a cell phone radiation pattern effecting my zucks  in one stretch of garden I employ  dowsing lists to isolate the cause, build antenna that I visually sense in some mental pattern, shamanicly journey to find the location and find colors, consult with St Frances of moving the field and set crystals to work utilizing Radionic rates in 3 or four formats, Including my own. As well as broadcast BD preps and balancing utilizing a Polaroid witness of the garden.
Is this biodynamic i say yes, but I personally would not stick a label on it saying BioDynamic.

But I make a living with Face Place Taste not a product as others do. if they employ a holy card to balance every box of basil as it goes on to the truck to assure it arrives at the store in saleable conditions and wow the operators and customers, do they, the farmer, need to inform them? ......

Got me how the lion got in that hat.

have a great one
in Love & Light

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