
Holding down the boot button doesn't work, I get the "Bad Linux ARM zImage 
magic" error mentioned above.

When you say it has a later version of u-boot, do you mean the eMMC has a 
later version of uboot than my microSD card?

How would I fix my uEnv.txt? Here is my uEnv.txt script from the microSD 
card (which is different than eEnv.txt in the eMMC):
 mmcrootfstype=ext4 rootwait
 optargs=fixrtc capemgr.enable_partno=BB-UART2
 uenvcmd=i2c mw 0x24 1 0x3e; setenv mmcroot /dev/mmcblk${mmcdev}p${mmcpart} 
 loadfdt=load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} ${fdtaddr} ${bootdir}/dtbs/${fdtfile}
 loadimage=load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} ${loadaddr} ${bootdir}/${bootfile}

Remember, my microSD card has Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS  
(ubuntu-precise-12.04.3-armhf-3.8.13-bone30.img.xz downloaded from and my eMMC has the default Debian that came 
installed on the BBB.

Here is what I've done
1. Copy Ubuntu image to the microSD card (as per
2. Plug card into BBB and boot from card by holding down the boot button
3. Copy Ubuntu image to the onboard eMMC
4. From that point forward, BBB will boot from microSD card without having 
to hold down the boot button.

I have six BBB's. I followed these steps for all six, and it worked with 
the first five BBB's. It's only the sixth BBB that is giving me this 
trouble. The sixth refuses to boot from the microSD.

Thanks for your help Robert, I'm just not sure how to get this sixth 
beaglebone working.



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