On Sat, 4 Jul 2020 at 17:00, Martin Blais <bl...@furius.ca> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 4, 2020 at 10:54 AM James Cook <jc...@cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
>> On Sat, 4 Jul 2020 at 06:34, Martin Blais <bl...@furius.ca> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > Today I'm starting development on Beancount v3.
>> >
>> > This is going to be a pretty big change and will take a while.
>> > I've laid down the details in this document:
>> > https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qPdNXaz5zuDQ8M9uoZFyyFis7hA0G55BEfhWhrVBsfc/
>> I have a question about the currency accounts section.
>> For this example:
>> 2020-06-02 * "Bought document camera"
>>   Expenses:Work:Conference      59.98 EUR @ USD
>>   Liabilities:CreditCard       -87.54 USD
>>   Equity:CurrencyAccounts:EUR  -59.98 EUR
>>   Equity:CurrencyAccounts:USD   97.54 USD
>> is the idea that I just enter the first three lines in my .beancount
>> file, and the last two postings will be implicitly added?
> Yes.
>> If so, that
>> matches closely with what I already do, which is great.
>> I do not separate my trading accounts by currency, so I have been able
>> to get away with just writing something like this:
>> 2020-06-02 * "Bought document camera"
>>   Expenses:Work:Conference      59.98 EUR
>>   Liabilities:CreditCard       -87.54 USD
>>   Equity:Trade
>> and let Beancount fill in the Equity:Trade amounts. This is not too
>> painful to do manually.
> There's a downside to the method you're using: there's no price and mistakes 
> will go unchecked.
> It would be more robust to use @, let Beancount do its thing, and to write a 
> plugin to strip the price and insert the postings.

Yes, plugin support would be good. I think a simple plugin that sees

  Expenses:Work:Conference      60.00 EUR @ 2 USD

and transforms that into

  Expenses:Work:Conference      60.00 EUR
  Equity:Trade -60.00 EUR
  Equity:Trade 120.00 USD

would match my use case pretty well. I'm not sure if that's exactly
what the existing trading accounts plugin you linked to does. If it's
not, it's simple enough I might just write it.


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