On Wednesday 04 July 2001 13:42, RL Autry wrote:
> We have a problem with many of our cgi requiring a "uid"
> which in this case doesn't exist because (we are told)
> it is not used on our present OS (Windows2000).
> 1) Is there a hack to require the equivalent of a "uid"?
> (so the scripts can be run as usual)
> Since a "uid" seems to be important to the operation of the scripts (being
> required).
> 2) Can the "require uid" line simply be commented out without causing a
> problem?
> Here is the response we got from our Server Admin (ISP)
> ("Webburner.com") when we told them about the "required uid" problem.
>  >>>I quote:
> Moving to UNIX costs $25 and not sure what a UID is.
> Your script are perl and Windows 2000 supports perl but your scripts may be
> written for UNIX.
> You need to check with the script developer before selecting any script.
> support 02-Jul-2001 10:59:36
> End quote<<<
> The problem is:
> The e-mail addresses and http addresses
> for most of the script developers of these scripts are no longer valid.
> We like the scripts because of the functionality they afford and we are
> used to them.
> (email no longer valid or web addresses found in scripts no longer valid)
> The question is:
> Since the originators of the scripts are no longer able to be contacted;
> does that mean the scripts are in the public domain now and since we
> are learning perl and cgi that we are ethically free to "hack" these
> scripts and
> use them or do we have to trash them and write or look for new scripts to
> use?
> Thanks,
> RL

check the scripts themselves , if they are copyrighted  they will so state 
somewhere in the script.

To be safe if  you decide to hack them just make your changes avaible to  the 
 public ,  that is don't try and make your drivitive work  copyrighted 
material.  You should be able to  change the scripts to work on the  new 
platform ,  Your best bet is to stay with  a Unix based provider.  There is a 
reason why developers  choose to develope on Linux/Unix and not  Windows crap 
. This is one of them......


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