Back from vacation only a day and already I feel the love in this place (-8

-----Original Message-----
From: "Brett W. McCoy"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greg Jetter"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Steve Howard"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "RL Autry"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
Date: Thu Jul 05 09:57:09 PDT 2001
Subject: Re: Configuring cgi scripts on Windows2000

>On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Greg Jetter wrote:
>> My  stance on O/S's is use which ever one does the job your trying to
>> accomplish. Same with Scripting langauages or hardware.  Just what is your
>> problem  bud ? Instead of attacking me why don't you sugest how this problem
>> might be resolved ?  do you realy know any thing other than how to start a
>> flame war ?
>Regardless, some people may not have a choice as to what OS they have to
>develop on.  Answering a question about a programming question with
>"Switch to such-and-such-OS because the one you are using is crap" is
>almost as bad as saying "RTFM".
>-- Brett
>Q:     What is the sound of one cat napping?
>A:     Mu.

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