--- Greg Jetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well you found one here ,  I've worked with it since the first version ,  in 
> fact I work with it daily , it's how I earn my daily bread.  You can not 
> separate  it's shortcommings from the question posed about  UID .  I see you 
> offered no advice to the poster other than to rake me over the coals for 
> daring to sugest that the problem lies with the selected OS not the Perl 
> scripts.  
> I was not  trying to force my opion on any one , and I was  trying to help 
> out the guy ,  Though I only been  posting here for a few  times I got the 
> impression that this form was not owned and operated for the bennifit of  the 
> Windows community or the Linux/Unix community .  I would just as easly 
> pointed out a fault in Unix/linux if there existed one relevent to  the 
> question at hand. 
> My  stance on O/S's is use which ever one does the job your trying to 
> accomplish. Same with Scripting langauages or hardware.  Just what is your 
> problem  bud ? Instead of attacking me why don't you sugest how this problem 
> might be resolved ?  do you realy know any thing other than how to start a 
> flame war ?
> Greg 
> 20 year computer programer 
> Perl  novice  and  advancing .

Please reread Steve's response carefully.  He did not flame.  He was merely saying 
that, in his
opinion, discussions of the merits of a particular OS were off-topic.

As for discussions of this tone, I've been on the 'Net for quite a few years and have 
*never* seen
anything productive come out of this.  I've seen bad tempers, hurt feelings, and 
unpleasantness, but never anything productive.  Please, everyone stay cool and let's 
drop this.

Curtis Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (http://www.onsitetech.com/)
"Ovid" on http://www.perlmonks.org/

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