On Friday October 14 2005 12:07 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>              Jay Savage
>              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>              l.com>                                                     To
>                                        beginners-cgi@perl.org
>              10/14/2005 11:56                                           cc
>              AM
>                                                                    Subject
>                                        Re: implementing links on a system
>                                        command output
> On 10/14/05, Chris Devers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Fri, 14 Oct 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > I have written a CGI Perl program that allows my users to view
> > > relevant data.
> > >
> > > The data is produced by a Unix application command and I have told it
> > > to write to a intranet page that looks like:
> >
> > What it looks like is irrelevant. The raw HTML is a little bit relevant,
> > but the really relevant thing is the data that gets sent to the script
> > and the results that are expected to be returned from the script.
> >
> > > What I want to do now is create a link using CGI Perl for each H
> > > string that will pull a different data set either on a new page or on
> > > the same page embedded.
> > >
> > > Originally I just created another radio button for the new data set,
> > > but there will be 6 different views (6 different strings) and I
> > > already have 7 buttons (minus the Tape-Capacity button) and I do not
> > > want to "button out" myself or the users.
> > >
> > > I looked in the CGI Programming with Perl and saw an entry in there on
> > > page 269 referencing access.conf and in access.conf you enter a line
> > > with
> > >
> > > Action Tracker /cgi/track.cgi
> > >
> > > Can anyone help?
> >
> > I'm sorry, I'm confused by the question.
> >
> > You seem to want help organizing how data is presented to and retrieved
> > from the user of your web application, but then you're asking a CGI list
> > how to go about doing advanced Apache web server configuration. How was
> > the access.conf suggestion supposed to help solve this problem?
> >
> > IF the answer to your problem is to start mucking around with Apache
> > directives -- and so far I'm not convinced that it is -- then putting
> > those directives in access.conf is outdated advice anyway. Modern Apache
> > administration tends to have people put everything in httpd.conf so that
> > there's one file to look in; some people break things into separate conf
> > files that httpd.conf includes, but this generally isn't how it's done
> > by people just getting started with Apache administration now.
> >
> > In any case, it isn't clear to me how this was supposed to solve your
> > problem to begin with. What were you hoping would happen if you changed
> > the behavior of /cgi/track.cgi in Apache? I think you're better off just
> > concentrating on your HTML and CGI code for now, and leave mucking with
> > the web server for later.
> >
> > Reduce the problem to a flow of desired inputs and outputs. The inputs
> > are generally going to be forms in plain HTML documents or as generated
> > by the output from CGI scripts; the outputs will generally be generated
> > from CGI scripts, though in some cases could be static HTML, too. You
> > may want to sketch things out on paper rather than just blindly start
> > coding things. If some part of the input system is doing too much or is
> > too confusing for users or maintainers, then break it apart as needed.
> >
> > You seem to be asking general systems design questions without giving
> > enough material to clarify what the system is doing now or how it is
> > supposed to be working differently in the future. This is only
> > tangentally a CGI question; your first priority here seems to be to sort
> > out exactly how this is all supposed to be interoperating in the first
> > place. Once you have a clearer sense of that, implementing the specific
> > components of the system should get easier for you.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Chris Devers
> And at the risk of sounding more Chris than Chris on this thread:
> What have you tried?
> Where did it go wrong?
> Where's your code?
> I have to say, I'm not getting this either. Is your question about
> getting CGI.pm to generate dynamic content based on system command
> output? Or is your question simply how to declutter a page full of
> radio buttons? Or is your question something else entirely?
> Whichever it is, giving some specific code you're having trouble with
> will get you a better, more useful answer faster, if only because it
> makes what you're trying to do clearer. But then you should really
> know that by now.
> --jay
> ***********************************************************************
> ok I apologize for the Apache access.conf file question, my confusion which
> is the whole problem.
> I have no new code b/c in my CGI book I cannot find anything that would
> give me a kickstart on generating code other that using the common <A HREF>
> tag.
> what I want is exactly what Greg stated:  "me I'd just make  each string
> produced into  a clickable link that
> would produce another page directly."
> Is there an equivalent cgi.pm method to <A HREF>  and if so will someone
> write a brief snippet?
> thank you,
> derek

using the oop method
try somthing like this:

#--- code
use CGI;
use strict;
my $q = new CGI;

# pass your info like  the script name and params to the script  like 

my $String = "/path/url.pl?H_String"; 

print $q->header , $q->start_html ;
print $q->p(<a href="$String">I'm the generated link </a>) ;
print $q->end_html ;

#-- end code
might need an extra set of quoats around the <a> tag , havn't tested so don't 

you could also do it several other ways , hell it's perl :)

hope this helps ya .


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