--- Russell Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>   I realize that this may not be the correct forum.  If it isn't, you have
> my sincere apologies.
>   I had PPM working on an older build of Activestate, and needed to upgrade.
> Post upgrade PPM has stopped working.  I've seen recommendations to migrate
> to build 620 or higher to fix PPM problems, which I have done.  Still no
> luck.  Query doesn't find anything (no problem, I can reinstall the
> packages).  Problem is the search doesn't find anything.  If I do a set
> command, the repository is not set.
>   Does anyone know anything that could help?
>   The activestate build is 629 and the ppm version is 2.1.5.
> Cheers,
> Russ


I don't know if this will help, but do you happen to know what ActiveState build you 
were on prior
to upgrading to 629?  If it was a 500 series build, this requires a complete uninstall 
of Perl
prior to the upgrade as the two series are incompatible.  From my experience, not only 
does this
fix a number of obscure Perl bugs, but it also resolved some of the PPM problems my 
company was

Of course, I rarely use PPM now.  I generally prefer to download the module from the 
CPAN and use
nmake to install the files.  If you can't get PPM working, let us know and I'm sure 
someone can
walk you through the CPAN/nmake process.  It's very useful as it will allow you access 
to a much
greater range of modules than PPM.

Curtis "Ovid" Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (http://www.onsitetech.com/)
"Ovid" on http://www.perlmonks.org/

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