This is a cool thread. I'm glad everyone is staying so peaceful about
It. That's another thing I don't like about PHP is that if I was having
this discussion with a PHP person thet'd be insulting me for even considering 
something else. But with Perl everone's just saying, hey Perl does it's 
thing like a tank and if you want to use it great it'll be a loyal pal.
But if you want PHP do that. All of the PHP people I talk to use insults to 
make an argument. Frankly like I said before, if you have to brag about it 
or put others down to make your self look good then it's probably not as big
as you say it is. And the excuse that it's cold right now doesn't do anything.

If your wondering about reliability and stability and fuunctionality ::

Perl has been around a long time.
Perl powers a huge part of the internet, networks, etc...

I even use it on my home computer to keep track of scheduling, data, email etc..

Perl has greater functionality than PHP.

If you want it to run like mod_php use mod_perl. Someone said that not 
using mod_perl "increases dramatically the startup". Yeah by like zillionth of a 

In fact if I run a plain old non mod_perl cgi and the some PHP thing, both doing the 
Exact thing, say parsing a form and emailing it to one person, Then I'd bet that
They were one of two things :: very close to each other in speed, or Perl would be 

Now add the mod_perl and all is well. 

Basically the realiability is the same on both. Does PHP do what you need? Who knows. 
Does Perl?
You bet you sweet mother it does and a lot more than you probably ever thought of.

> I'd suggest that you look at Jenda's advice also.  Take Perl 
> for what it is.  It works.  Once you get over the difference 
> in paradigm from C-type languages, you will find that P-OOP 
> has it's own  internal logic.

And it feels good in the morning after a good strong coffee! ;p

> Joseph
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