wmoff wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just upgraded my fedora from FC6 to Fedora 8, and thought I'd
> upgrade slimserver at the same time since otherwise I was having
> problems with SELinux.
> I've got SC7 installed now, the latest nightly AFAIK, and it seems to
> be working ok. The problem is that my squeezebox v3 won't connect; it
> goes through all the various network connection prompts and then does
> the "connecting to slimserver..." bit before turning itself off. I
> assume it should be trying to upgrade the firmware (since new versions
> seem to usually require that) but I've not seen any request to do so,
> and holding down the brightness key does nothing other than
> occasionally display
> "update_begin: bad state"
> before turning off again.
> I've tried searching forums etc., and this is the closest I've found to
> a match for my problems; anyone have any ideas about how to continue?

Did you open the firewall on the new install?


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