I see from a previous post that there is a way to set the default music
location in Windows.  That has got to be one of the more secret options
(of a long list of secret options).  I don't know anyone that knew that
(checked with 10 people that do music on Windows).  Depending on that
setting to be set properly seems like a bad idea - from an ease of use
point of view.  Could a prompt be put in somewhere (maybe the
installer??) to default to that folder and ask?  It just seems rather
annoying to go through an install, then a scan, then have to find some
settings page somewhere, change that, and then clear and rescan.  One
question up front and all your music is found and everything just

FYI:  7 out of the 10 people I asked also didn't use the my music
folder, either.  Usually music was on a different drive (d or external)
- 5 people, 2 others just had it in a different place on C.

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