Sounds like you have a problem unrelated to 7.6.

I have an EX490 server & with 16,750 tracks, 7.5 would complete a full
scan in approx. 20 mins & 7.6 does it in 15 mins. My EX490 is only a
2.2GHz Celeron so not hugely more powerful than your EX470.

As Slate suggested, I would have expected you to be completing a full
scan in 7.5 in around 45 mins rather than the two hours you suggest.
Have a look at the processes running on the server, sorted by CPU
activity in case something is hogging it in the background. When I
first got the EX490 & loaded data on it, the supplied Twonky Media was
running the CPU at near 100% permanently as it didn't like a couple of
video files.

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