> If BibDesk scanned an RTF file and replaced citekeys with citations
> and constructed a bibliography list, that would avoid the problem of
> being tied to a single program.  The main problem there would be
> Cocoa's limited RTF support (no embedded graphics or equations).

> Yeah, if they avoid death by committee, and can actually implement the
> software.  I have yet to see a free word processor that I actually
> want to use.  On the non-free side, Pages isn't bad, and Word is even
> tolerable until you start adding figures and cross references.  I use
> BD to generate short bibliography lists in RTF using the latex2rtf
> support.
> Just out of curiosity, what would help the non-LaTeX users the most?
> People have mentioned integration with word processors.  What would it
> look like?  Basic RTF scanning wouldn't be too hard.  A UI for
> templates would be nice, too.

I recently attempted to use the Ruby script to generate a bibliograpy  
in Pages.
It has major trouble with Pages '08, often failing to work correctly.  
The best way is to
save the file in Pages '06 format before running the script.

While the script works, it doesn't seem to control things like  
Firstname Lastname vs. Lastname, Initials
very well, nor does it give you Tom, Dick and Harry, rather than Tom  
and Dick and Harry as in the BibTeX.
Also a number of non-English characters threw it, leaving them as \o  
(for example) rather than converting.
So, there was a fair amount of manual tweaking required. I tried it  
with some manually generated style files,
but often got an error "No styles found", although the bst file was  
right there in the same folder.
Also, it can't cope with \cite{cite1,cite2}, so each citation has to  
be separate.
Having said that, it does parse the Pages file accurately and  
generate the citations from an imported Word file.

If BibDesk could incorporate this Ruby script somehow, that would be  
a great step forward, although
really the script needs to be tweaked to work better with Pages '08.
(I have mentioned before and in the Wiki that the html export is a  
great way to make an importable bibliography that
Pages can read. Sadly, Pages '08 has removed this functionality - I  
am hoping that 10.5 TextEdit will pick up the slack.)
Or, if an equivalent script could parse an RTF file instead, that  
would be much more versatile, as it would work across
a number of word processors.



P.S. I am told that the aux file from a LaTeX run can be dropped onto  
the main Editor window of
BibDesk, and it will make a new group with just those references,  
ready to be exported to rtf, html etc. but I couldn't get it to work.
Any tips? Is it the .bbl or the .blg or the .aux file I just drop? Is  
the resulting group sorted as per the dropped file?

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