Just as a Mellel-Bookends user, I know that the workflow below is correct
(although I know nothing about the Apple Events portion). The reference
manager produces the formatted text, so the ability to produce a wide
variety of citation formats is essential. --or an easy-to-use method for the
user to customize same.

If anyone is curious, I can provide screenshots of the Bookends
format-editing interface.


On 10/18/07 8:28 AM, "Adam R. Maxwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Oct 18, 2007, at 06:14, Christiaan Hofman wrote:
>> Just curious (as I'm not intending to work on this either). But what
>> exactly would be needed to be done for integration with Mellel? I
>> personally think that most of the required hard work (i.e. everything
>> that requires detailed knowledge of Mellel's proprietary file format)
>> would be the responsibility of Mellel, not a reference manager. Also
>> as they already support different citation managers, and it's stupid
>> to let each one redo that job. While the Mellel developers kbnow
>> thier format, so with their existing code that job would be
>> infinitely easier. From that POV, I would say BibDesk already has
>> almost all that is needed.
>  From their response to me (below) and my vague recollection, I gather
> that BibDesk is responsible for accepting a list of temp citations
> (correspond loosely to cite keys), then producing a formatted
> bibliography as RTF that is passed back via Apple Events. If they used
> a DO API, I'd have done this for fun...but the Apple Event stuff is
> hairy.
>>> I guess my most basic question is this: what information would
>>> Mellel provide to BibDesk, and what does it expect in return?
>> The usual workflow is this:
>> a. The user inserts citations by going to the bibliography
>> application, finding the citations and then dragging them or
>> pressing a button (depending on the bibliography application). The
>> inserted citations are called "temp citations" and are usually
>> formatted for the convenience of the bibliography database
>> (containing a unique ID, full details etc)
>> b. When the user wants to produce the final manuscript, he presses
>> the scan button and the following happens (communication is done via
>> Apple Events)
>> 1. Mellel scans the document and collects the "temp
>> citations" (unformatted citations)
>> 2. Mellel passes these to the bibliography application
>> 3. The bibliography application formats the citations and generates
>> the bibliography and passes them back to Mellel
>> 4. Mellel integrates the new citations+bibliography in the document.
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