You should choose Cancel. If you choose Keep Going, it ignores the  
error and tries to import directly anyway, even if it fails.


On 22 Oct 2007, at 12:38 AM, Fernando Pereira wrote:

> I'm trying to import a BibTeX entry from the clipboard. The entry has
> some fields with undefined strings (I don't care about those fields).
> When I use "New Publications from Clipboard...", two windows pop up:
> an "Errors" table, and a dialog "Error Reading String". If I answer
> the dialog with "Keep Going", no import. If I answer with "Edit
> Data", a window with the reference pops up, but I get another "Error
> Reading String" dialog right away. At this point, I cancel the new
> dialog. I can edit the reference text, but then what? The only way I
> was able to proceed was to copy the edited text to the clipboard,
> close the edit window, and use "New Publications from Clipboard..."
> again. This seems convoluted, shouldn't the editing window allow me
> to try to import directly, and also not complain again about the
> error that I am already trying to fix?
> Am I missing something?
> -- F
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