On Oct 21, 2007, at 15:38, Fernando Pereira wrote:

> I'm trying to import a BibTeX entry from the clipboard. The entry has
> some fields with undefined strings (I don't care about those fields).
> When I use "New Publications from Clipboard...", two windows pop up:
> an "Errors" table, and a dialog "Error Reading String". If I answer
> the dialog with "Keep Going", no import. If I answer with "Edit
> Data", a window with the reference pops up, but I get another "Error
> Reading String" dialog right away.

That is a bit odd; it only happens if you use that menu command.

> At this point, I cancel the new
> dialog. I can edit the reference text, but then what? The only way I
> was able to proceed was to copy the edited text to the clipboard,
> close the edit window, and use "New Publications from Clipboard..."
> again. This seems convoluted, shouldn't the editing window allow me
> to try to import directly, and also not complain again about the
> error that I am already trying to fix?

The editing window is really designed to work with files, so this is  
expected behavior.  The duplicate warning should probably be changed  
if possible.

> Am I missing something?

You're missing the easy way to add references.  Paste or drag the text  
directly into BibDesk (this works for any supported data type).  When  
it fails, you'll get an editing window that allows you to fix the  
errors.  Since there's no file, you do have to copy the selected text  
and paste it again, but there's no reason to use the "New Publications  
 From Clipboard..." menu item in either case.


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