Unfortunately PHP is provided to us by SourceForge, the only thing we can do is file enhancement requests to upgrade to PHP 5. Same for SQL.


On 13 May 2008, at 8:48 PM, Rob Rye wrote:

In my experience, the wiki upgrade itself is indeed very easy. I just checked your version information though and I see that you are running against PHP4 and MySQL 4, as would be expected with MW1.4. MySQL4 is ok, though I believe MySQL5 is preferable at this point. PHP4 is a non-starter for MediaWiki 1.12. In fact, I am not sure, but I seem to remember that by the time I installed 1.9 on my machines it already required PHP5.

Having done both (MW, PHP) of these installations myself before on several machines, I would be willing to do what is necessary (but probably not before tomorrow at the earliest). However, I am a really a geology professor masquerading as a System Administrator. I have never messed up my own systems in several years of regular updates, upgrades, etc., but a great many things can depend on PHP. So, be warned that it could take me a while to get everything just the way you want it. On the other hand, if PHP5 is already installed, and just has to be called during the MW upgrade, then I am certainly game.

It occurs to me to point out that all my experience is on MacOS and MacOS X. Nonetheless, given the Unix flavor of both, I would guess that I would have no trouble doing what needed doing if the wiki is on a Linux box. A shell is a shell is a shell...

Even if you get someone else to set up MW1.12, I would also be happy to discuss installing various wiki extensions, if desired. None strike me as critical, but several might be useful depending on the ambitions of the main editors of the wiki. I have what might be called a hobbyists version of "extensive experience" installing and configuring MW extensions and would be happy to participate in any discussion of what might be useful as well as helping out with the installation. I have not been a major participant on this list, but I read it every day and make extensive use of BibDesk, so I suppose this could be my way of contributing to the community.



OK, I spoke too soon. It looks like that's not easy in the version of
MediaWiki we're running - we are using 1.4.3 and the current version
is 1.12.

I'm a little surprised that it survived that long.

Anyway, I don't have the time to do an upgrade right now, but it'd
probably only take ~2 hours or less. If anyone is interested in doing
that, see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Upgrading
and we can figure out how to get shell access working to do it.


On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 10:50 AM, Michael McCracken
Hey Derick. It shall be done!
 I'll figure out how and either promote you to let you do it or make
 the change myself.


On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 10:34 AM, Derick Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Would it be possible to update the wiki so that the links displayed in
 the sidebar on the L include the items listed under "What's on the
Wiki"? I have a BD wiki account but I couldn't figure out how to do this (I thought it would be doable by editing BibDeskWiki:Sidebar but
 that page doesn't exist...).

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 Michael McCracken
 UCSD CSE PhD Candidate
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 misc: http://michael-mccracken.net/wp/

Michael McCracken
UCSD CSE PhD Candidate
research: http://www.cse.ucsd.edu/~mmccrack/
misc: http://michael-mccracken.net/wp/

From: Andrei Sobolevskii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 13, 2008 8:58:30 AM PDT
To: For general discussion about using BibDesk <bibdesk-users@lists.sourceforge.net >
Subject: [Bibdesk-users] crash report procedure
Reply-To: For general discussion about using BibDesk <bibdesk-users@lists.sourceforge.net >


Sorry for an obvious FAQ (I searched the bibdesk-users archive but the results were mixed):

How does one report Bibdesk crashes?

I just sent a crash log to [EMAIL PROTECTED], but there seem no messages on the list's archive after July 2007. Is that list discontinued?

Would it make sense to put the address for crash reports into the standard signature at the bottom?


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