Quoting Brian Mink via Bikies <bikies@lists.danenet.org>:

One hopes that this will not become a common occurrence but if Europe is indicative of what happens as the market becomes more and more saturated with e-bikes, then we're in likely trouble. Most of the hacking software is coming out of Italy & Germany. The biggest market for the hacking products is mountain bikers and tinkerers. One has only to read sites like "The Endless-sphere.org" DIY e-bike community on FB or Reddit to get a sense at how robust this community is.

Brian Mink

This is really my concern about e-bikes on the non-motorized trails.

I don't see it as a problem right now. But as more people get used to them, many of them will be thinking:
"wow, 17 mph is nice, but wouldn't 25mph be cool?".

And then they'll start lobbying raise the effective speeds. After all, isn't 25 just a little bit more than 17?

and so on.

And I don't think the real problem will be crashes from higher speeds (although that will happen). The real downer will be all the "regular" riders who decide to give up biking because they feel uncomfortable with all the speeders. Which is exactly the problem that the non-motorized trails were designed to address.


darin burleigh

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