On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 11:22:59AM +0100, Peter Stuge wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 12:00:07AM +0000, Martin Ebourne wrote:
> > Is it possible to use Binc IMAP over ssh?
> In theory, yes.
> > I guess really the question is can a user manually run a Binc IMAP
> > daemon on the terminal. If so then it should work over ssh as well.
> Yes. But the problem is that bincimap-up passes lots of state to
> bincimapd through the use of environment variables. In 1.2 these are
> encoded in a "proprietary" way. In 1.3 not as much so IIRC. But
> they still need to be set for bincimapd to run properly. No
> bincimap-cwdup exists, but I think it would be a neat addition to
> Binc.
> > As an example, Evolution lets you configure a 'Custom command to
> > connect to server' and the example is:
> > 
> >   ssh -C -l %u %h exec /usr/sbin/imapd
> > 
> > This should let me use imap securely over SSH without needing to
> > input my password. I already have it working over imaps but tire of
> > entering my password each time I start evo. Also it would mean I
> > could access mail remotely (I don't expose imap/s externally).
> I think the best way to get this working is to add support for
> running Binc from a shell, as you wrote. A clone of bincimap-up is
> required to do this presently, but it doesn't need any authentication
> and it can just set everything up, then exec() bincimapd, so zero
> footprint too. I think it's a cool idea.

cd Maildir; BINCIMAP_LOGIN=LOGIN+a bincimapd

works with 1.2, try

cd Maildir; BINCIMAP_LOGIN=LOGIN+a fixcrio bincimapd

for an interactive run.

But, connecting an IMAP client to this will not work since Binc is
already in the logged in state, and that is not what the IMAP client
will expect, so it will not work.

I guess you need a port forwarding from the local system to your
imaps server, and then use certificate-based login..


on your workstation, probably utilizing public key authentication.
Possibly use a special key for this purpose, which you restrict with
keywords in authorized_keys so that it can be used only to set up a
port forward.

Then point the IMAP client on your workstation to localhost:4993,
where you'll "see" the imaps server, just as if it was running


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