On Wed, 2005-11-30 at 07:26 +0100, Peter Stuge wrote: 
> No reason to make it all that complicated. Just put this script
> somewhere on the server and tell evolution to run this proxycommand:
> ssh -T [EMAIL PROTECTED] silly.sh

On Wed, 2005-11-30 at 08:55 +0100, Jerry Lundström wrote:
> The most simple way would be to get a checkpassword that dosen't confirm 
> the password. After that you could pritty much use the standard 
> execution line:
> ssh <options> bincimap-up -- checkpassword --no-password bincimapd Maildir

Fantastic, two solutions all at once!

Of course, it doesn't even need to be that complicated. There's no need
to run checkpassword at all. I'm now using this as the receiving command
in evolution:

ssh -C -l %u %h exec /usr/sbin/bincimap-up
                     --conf=/etc/bincimap/bincimap.conf --logtype=syslog
                     -- /usr/sbin/bincimapd

I've set evolution to remember the password as 'password' and it all
works perfectly.

I've now got single sign on at home. I can recommend pam_ssh to any
other pam users out there who want single sign on. Unfortunately there's
still 15 different accounts & passwords at work. :(

Thanks for all the help chaps!


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