   You can consider free choice DE when you have the
numbers down where you want them. Offer the DE in a feeder
the way some people offer the minerals.

 I started using DE on my Rabbit herd about a month ago--
and the change in food consumptoion is wonderful. It has
dropped by 10%, the lighter animals are reganing proper
condition, the juniors are right on the mark for growth and
weight gain. Nails are stronger (a mixed blessing).

Some people even use DE as a dust if body or hair parasites
are present-- dust/rub it in the way Sevin dust usually is.
Supposedly, DE will even cut the exoskeleton of fleas. I
haven't had the need to use DE for external reasons, but
knowing how it cuts internal parasites up, I am for it!!!

 Terry W
--- Barb Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The rams reported in this morning with five H. Contortus
> eggs, 250 eggs 
> per gram.  That is negligible.  They are getting 1/2 tsp
> DE per day 
> (that's actually a lot of dust on a small grain ration),
> and were moved 
> to a paddock that had been rested for 30 days.  Could be
> also, that the 
> worms are going into hypobiosis (dormancy).  We've had a
> couple of nice 
> frosts, so hopefully that will help kill some of the
> larvae in the other 
> paddock.  Will shift them back next week, another 30 day
> rotation (life 
> cycle of worms is 21 days).
> Totally inconclusive, but parasite management is an
> integrated effort, 
> and I am sure happy with today's report.  Will keep
> checking in on this.
> Regards,
> Barb L. 
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