Terry, My silly rams won't take any mineral free choice...no kelp no TM 
salt, no Fertrell's no nothing.  Finally bought them a Sweetlix sheep 
and goat block and they're working on that a little.  Whaveter they get 
has to go on their morsel of grain.  Durn critters.  Glad to hear it's 
working in your operation.  I'm going to go back and try Basic-H again, 
now that I can see what's happening, although with the current program, 
there doesn't seem to be much need.  I The Fertrell's mineral mix has DE 
in it.

I AM getting a positive on cocci in the lambs though and I haven't seen 
much here on alternative cocci control.  I treated once with Corid that 
knocked the numbers to near zero, but they're rising again.  I don't 
like the coccidiostats because they've all got some serious downsides.

Hmm, I'd better get that jug of Basic-H ordered!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Terry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <blackbelly@lists.blackbellysheep.info>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 6:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Blackbelly] More on Diatomaceous Earth

> Barb,
>   You can consider free choice DE when you have the
> numbers down where you want them. Offer the DE in a feeder
> the way some people offer the minerals.
> I started using DE on my Rabbit herd about a month ago--
> and the change in food consumptoion is wonderful. It has
> dropped by 10%, the lighter animals are reganing proper
> condition, the juniors are right on the mark for growth and
> weight gain. Nails are stronger (a mixed blessing).
> Some people even use DE as a dust if body or hair parasites
> are present-- dust/rub it in the way Sevin dust usually is.
> Supposedly, DE will even cut the exoskeleton of fleas. I
> haven't had the need to use DE for external reasons, but
> knowing how it cuts internal parasites up, I am for it!!!
> Terry W
> --- Barb Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The rams reported in this morning with five H. Contortus
>> eggs, 250 eggs
>> per gram.  That is negligible.  They are getting 1/2 tsp
>> DE per day
>> (that's actually a lot of dust on a small grain ration),
>> and were moved
>> to a paddock that had been rested for 30 days.  Could be
>> also, that the
>> worms are going into hypobiosis (dormancy).  We've had a
>> couple of nice
>> frosts, so hopefully that will help kill some of the
>> larvae in the other
>> paddock.  Will shift them back next week, another 30 day
>> rotation (life
>> cycle of worms is 21 days).
>> Totally inconclusive, but parasite management is an
>> integrated effort,
>> and I am sure happy with today's report.  Will keep
>> checking in on this.
>> Regards,
>> Barb L.
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