On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 01:34, Jan Schaumann wrote:
> For yourself, you should probably create a simple ~/.xsession with
> whatever apps you want to start up (as explained in the FAQ) and choose
> whatever option from the login manager that executes this file.
> Depending on your login manager and its configuration, this may be
> 'default', 'xsession' or 'failsafe' (even though the latter usually just
> opens an xterm).

This is my problem: putting commands in .xsession does not work (the
commands do not get executed when I log in).

The apt-rpm installation created a session called "Blackbox". So the
first thing that is executed when I log in, is

/usr/local/bin/bbpager &
/usr/local/bin/bbweather -m EFHF &
exec /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession blackbox
(I've added the bbpager and bbweather commands there.)

Reading the xdm/Xsession file I find out that next is executed

exec /usr/bin/blackbox

Now if I put 

xclock &

to my .xsession, nothing happens. I guess .xsession is never executed.
Should I add something like this in

source $HOME/.xsession &

or would be there a more correct solution...?

> What if you don't want an image, but a gradient?  Or if you want the
> image to be scaled?  Or multiple images as a repeating pattern?  There
> are many ways to set the background, which is probably why this
> functionality is taken out of blackbox and instead is the responsibility
> of another application.

I understand this. Still it would be more convient (at least for me) to
specify the background settings (every one of them) in .blackboxrc so,
that the setting names would be easy to understand. 

It is always a pain when you have to edit multiple config files. Or at
least have one master config file which informs where to look the
others. For comparison, look at Apache's config file, which I find very
easy to understand and edit. I guess this is just a matter of different
tastes (and I do not know anything about the technical side of this


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