tp40 wrote:
> Ok, when I wrote this I did not know that bbconf existed :) That takes
> care of most of my complaints (although I'm away from home and have not
> had a chance to try it out myself yet). GUI config was what i liked a lot
> about windowmaker ... so bbconf should do it for me.
Gui config? Why? Use xterm and vi! :-)
I prefer config files.

> anther wish is a panel/launcher. i think bbbutton would do that, but it's
> been listed on the bbtools site as a wish for over half a year now, and i
> have not seen it yet.
Just go and write it! A lot of peolple will say many thanks for that!
(btw. the root menu is the best launcher i've ever seen. I don't like

> i'd aslo like to see something like bbmouse and bbsound for controlling
> mouse speed etc and the sound volume. most other apps i can think of are
> already there.
A well-configured x environmend does not need a bbmouse-like solution.
bbsound is already done: it is called 'xmix' or 'xqmixer' or whatever.

> finally, i'd love to see fundamental session management ... just something
> that will remember what dockapps i had in the slit and what applications
> were running when i logged off. or at least something that would let the
> slit remember what was in it at the time i logged out.
I prefer xinitrc.
Session management cannot be clean.
Session management caused most of my KDE problems.

> so there's my wish list for bb. I'll have to get back home and give bbconf
> a try for sure now - can't wait :)
Xterm and vi ;-)

Laszlo Gerencser
PortoLogic Ltd.

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