On Mon, 8 Oct 2001, Laszlo Gerencser wrote:

> > i'd aslo like to see something like bbmouse and bbsound for controlling
> > mouse speed etc and the sound volume. most other apps i can think of are
> > already there.
> A well-configured x environmend does not need a bbmouse-like solution.
> bbsound is already done: it is called 'xmix' or 'xqmixer' or whatever.

This is what I use in my blackbox menu:

    [submenu] (Volume Settings) 
      [exec] (Very Loud)  {mixerctl -w outputs.master=248.248}
      [exec] (Loud)       {mixerctl -w outputs.master=160,160}
      [exec] (Normal)     {mixerctl -w outputs.master=120,120}
      [exec] (Quiet)      {mixerctl -w outputs.master=72,72}

    [submenu] (Mouse Settings)  
      [exec] (Very Fast)       {xset m 7 10}
      [exec] (Normal \(Fast\)) {xset m 3 10}
      [exec] (System Default)  {xset m default}
      [exec] (Glacial)         {xset m 0 10}

I do not need to see what the current settings are. I do not need to waste
display space to know what the current settings are.

Note that mixerctl comes with NetBSD. I am assuming that a similar
command-line mixer interface is available for other operating systems.

  Jeremy C. Reed
     ISP-FAQ.com -- find answers to your questions

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